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HomeHealthWhat is exercise snacking? This new method of exercise is becoming...

What is exercise snacking? This new method of exercise is becoming increasingly popular, know why

Exercise Snack : Do you also avoid exercise by making the excuse of not having time or is it really that your daily routine is so busy that you do not get time to work out, then now the solution to your problem has also come. Nowadays a new option of perfect exercise is going in trend. It is considered good for those people who are not able to focus on their fitness due to lack of time. Its name is Exercise Snacking. Let us know about this new method of exercise…

What is exercise snacking?

If you are not able to fix a fixed time in the day to exercise, then exercise snacking can be perfect for you. This is just like the way people who are unable to eat much at one time during the day keep eating little by little. This can also be called a kind of mini workout. Which can be done several times a day for a few minutes. Exercise snacking for 5-10 minutes can also be very beneficial.

Where can you do exercise snacking?

Nowadays the lifestyle has become so busy that working out is not possible for everyone. In such a situation, you can keep yourself fit by doing small workouts several times a day. There is no need for any particular time for this. This is such a simple method that you can do it at home, office or anywhere even in a small space. In this you neither have to sweat nor do much hard work.

Benefits of exercise snacking

According to research, exercise snacking is such a good option for workout that it helps in keeping the heart and stomach healthy. This can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Experts say that sometimes even 10 minutes of exercise snacking can be better than a 30-minute workout. However, keep in mind that before doing this, definitely take expert advice.

What can you do while snacking during exercise?

1. Climbing stairs

2. Walking fast at short intervals

3. Walk for 5 minutes between work

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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