Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthA person got Corona vaccine 200 times, but there was no effect...

A person got Corona vaccine 200 times, but there was no effect on immunity…

Covid vaccine is very important to avoid the serious disease of Corona. People all over the world took the vaccine to protect themselves from Covid. But now a strange incident related to this has come to light. A person living in Germany has taken not just 1-2 or 3 but more than 200 doses of Corona. The age of this person is said to be 63 years. This person has claimed that till now he has got more than 200 doses of Corona vaccine.

After this claim of the person, scientists have started research on this person. Now scientists are investigating the immunity of this person. In this entire research, it was found that this vaccine is creating antibodies in the person and is also protecting him from the virus. The entire research done on this person has also been published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. Doctors at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Aur Vienna’s hospital got information about this person through a local agency news channel. As soon as this was found out, this person was contacted. And then it was called for test. After talking among ourselves, this was prepared for test and research. 

The person’s immunity is strong

According to Professor Dr. Christian Bogdan, Director of the Institute of Microbiology-Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, this person’s case came to light through a news agency report. Then this person was contacted and further tests were done.  The immunity of a person who has taken more than 200 vaccines is also like that of other people. However, he has taken more vaccines than others. This person has undergone many types of tests in the last few years. 

What has been done in research so far

In the research done on this person, it was found that many T-cells have been formed inside this person against Corona. They work like soldiers in the body. This person was also compared with those who had taken the vaccine. The scientist said that the immune response in this person was the same as in those who received three doses.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.


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