Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeHealthAttention ! Not only your liver but also your heart is...

Attention ! Not only your liver but also your heart is in danger from dengue, shocking thing revealed in the research.

Dengue Effects On Heart: Like every year, this year too with the onset of winter, the havoc of deadly dengue is increasing across the country. This virus, which spreads through the bite of a mosquito, causes harm to the body in many ways in the form of fever and can even lead to the death of the patient. Let us tell you that dengue virus and fever are not only increasing the inflammation of the liver but are also damaging the heart cells. That means dengue has now become fatal not only for the body but also for the heart. Let us know everything about this.

Danger to heart due to dengue

In Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, a test was conducted on patients suffering from dengue. In this study, it was found that the serious symptoms related to neuro, liver and heart of dengue virus are now being called Extended Dengue Syndrome. When dengue affects the heart, heart related symptoms start becoming abnormal. Like increased heart beat, swelling in the heart muscles etc. Its greatest effect is on the heart vessels. When there is swelling in the heart muscles, the heart starts having difficulty in pumping blood. In such a situation, the heart beat gets affected and the patient starts having burning sensation and pain in the chest. In such a situation, there is difficulty in breathing. If the situation becomes serious, there can be a possibility of heart attack or heart failure.

Heart MRI is the treatment for dengue patients.

In such a situation, health experts say that when some changes start appearing in the ECG report of a dengue patient, then it becomes necessary to get heart MRI and stress echo test done immediately. In this study published in Curious Journal, it has been said that swelling in the heart muscles was seen in about 4.2 percent of the dengue patients admitted in the hospital. Many times, due to negligence, dengue patients do not get ECG done and in such a situation, the effect of dengue virus causes swelling in their heart muscles. If it is not resolved on time, the patient may suffer a heart attack. Therefore, doctors and health experts are advising the patient to get heart MRI done after dengue.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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