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HomeHealthAttention ! One in five diabetic patients are at risk of...

Attention ! One in five diabetic patients are at risk of blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.

Diabetes Study: The speed with which the problem of diabetes is increasing is worrying. A new study has made scary revelations regarding this. It has been told in this study that in India, the blood cells of every 5 diabetic patients get damaged. Due to which blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage can occur. This has been revealed in the All India Study. Let us tell you that diabetes is a chronic disease. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or our body is not able to use the insulin produced properly, then the problem of diabetes occurs. Let us know what this study is and what precautions should be taken in diabetes…

what is study

A study conducted on 6,234 people for 3 years found that diabetes is becoming a high-risk problem. Of these, 3.3 percent people may suffer heart attack and stroke, while 18 percent may suffer eye, kidney and nervous system damage. At the same time, other people may also suffer from serious diseases. This study named ‘Endocrinology, Diabetes And Metabolism’ was recently published in ‘Peer Reviewed Medial Journal’. In this, information about managing diabetes was given.

What does the study say?

In this study it was found that diabetes badly affects health. Because of this, our body’s ability to produce energy from whatever we eat and drink reduces. This is a disease which badly affects the heart, nerves, kidneys, eyes and claws and other organs as well. According to a report, due to diabetes, 60 percent people are obese, most of them have hypertension and 10 percent people have the problem of high cholesterol, which can be the cause of heart attack.

When is diabetes dangerous?

According to the doctor, the risk of diabetes increases the most due to poor A1C results. A1C is the test of average sugar level over three months. 40 percent of people affected by this may suffer from heart attack and the rest may suffer from problems like neuropathy. The problem of diabetes can become serious due to uncontrolled blood sugar. Due to this, nerves and blood cells can get damaged, the risk of heart attack increases two to three times and kidneys can get damaged. Therefore, there is a need to take special precautions regarding lifestyle and eating habits. Since one of the main reasons for diabetes is increased consumption of tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol. Therefore one should stay away from it.

Number of diabetes patients in India

According to health experts, the number of diabetes patients in the country is continuously increasing. This clearly means that we are not doing what should be done to avoid this. Many types of diseases can spread due to diabetes. Therefore, attention should be paid to this in time. According to the report, if we talk about three decades ago, there were only 3 percent diabetes patients in the country, which has now increased three times to 9 percent. Talking about the number of diabetes patients in India, according to the report, 77 million people above 18 years of age are affected by diabetes. Whereas 25 million people have pre-diabetes. At the same time, 50 percent people are still unaware of what their sugar level is. Whereas 18 percent of the people living in Mumbai and one out of every five people are suffering from diabetes. Their age is between 18 to 69.

What should be done in diabetes

1. To avoid diabetes, not only eye and heart tests should be done but also urine tests should be done every three months.

2. Exercise should be done daily.

3. Special care should be taken about food.

4. One should get enough sleep.

5. Stay away from tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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