Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeHealthConsuming gas tablets on an empty stomach can be 'dangerous', be careful...

Consuming gas tablets on an empty stomach can be ‘dangerous’, be careful immediately, otherwise…

Health Tips: Nowadays, due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, the digestive system of most of the youth is becoming weak. Due to which they are suffering from the problem of gas and acidity. Actually, this problem is becoming common due to sitting at one place for a long time, less physical activity, eating outside. Junk foods, refined flour, saturated fat and salt are badly spoiling the digestive system. In such a situation, there are complaints of acidity and gas at an early age. According to health experts, to avoid this, many people are taking gas or acidity pills as soon as they wake up in the morning, which is very dangerous, hence avoid it.

Why is it harmful to take gas pills on an empty stomach?

To avoid the problem of gas and acidity, many people are taking pills i.e. medicines on an empty stomach in the morning. Some people use it regularly. Without which their entire day passes with difficulty. If you also do this then be careful, because a recent research has revealed that this habit of yours can increase the infection caused by bacteria in the stomach many times.

What does the report say about gas medicine

According to the report, infection caused by these bacteria can cause persistent diarrhea and infection in the large intestine. This increases Clostridium difficile colitis infection in the large intestine, which is also known as C-Diff. However, in some cases this problem also occurs due to taking too many antibiotics. In this research, 16 cases of C-Diff of a total of 7,703 patients were studied. In which regularly taken medicines like omeprazole, histamine and ranitidine were analyzed.

Side effects of gas-acidity medicines

diarrhea, flu

Dryness in mouth, flatulence, gas formation

back pain, weakness

Home remedy to get relief from gas-acidity

1. Consume celery daily on an empty stomach.

2. Celery can also be eaten by mixing it with vegetables and bread.

3. Stop eating outside completely.

4. Consume coconut water, curd, buttermilk, lassi.

5. Eat more fruits and green vegetables.

6. Instead of lying down immediately after eating, go for a walk.

7. Drink as much water as possible.

8. Avoid stress, get complete sleep of 7-8 hours.

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