Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeHealthDo not ignore persistent leg pain, know what is the connection with...

Do not ignore persistent leg pain, know what is the connection with heart disease?

Heart Disease Warning Signs: Never make the mistake of ignoring persistent pain in the legs, because these can be signs of heart disease. Even a little carelessness regarding this can have a bad effect on the heart and can also increase the risk of heart attack. A report by the American Heart Association states that many times the initial symptoms of heart disease are seen in the legs. But people do not pay much attention to them. These may cause problems like pain and swelling in the legs. Let us know what is the connection between heart and feet…

Symptoms of heart disease

  • shoulder and back pain
  • being very tired
  • stomach upset, sour belching
  • Difficulty in breathing, constant pain in arms
  • vomiting and dizziness
  • sweating excessively

What is the connection between heart and feet

According to health experts, there is a deep connection between the heart and feet. Heart related problems can affect overall health along with feet. These can be affected by diseases like heart pumping, PAD artery etc. This can reduce blood circulation in the legs and cause swelling. When the legs do not get oxygen from the pumped blood, serious problems can occur.

Do not ignore foot pain

According to health experts, there can be many reasons for pain and swelling in the feet. Heart problem is also included in them. Therefore, ignoring pain in legs at any time can be dangerous. Having coronary artery disease can also lead to the risk of heart disease, which affects the legs.

how to take care of feet

Do regular exercise to keep your feet healthy.

Make diet right.

Take good care of your feet.

To get relief from pain in feet, irrigate in lukewarm water.

Consult a doctor if you have swelling, pain or other problems in your feet.

Check out below Health Tools-
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