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How much work has been done on AIDS in the world? Despite so much progress in medicine, why is treatment not available?

‘World AIDS Day’ is celebrated every year on 1 December since 1988. The biggest goal behind celebrating this day as a special day is to raise awareness about the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and to mourn those who died from the disease. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes death of its patients.

HIV virus attacks the immunity of its patient, due to which it reduces the ability to fight other diseases. So far, more than 4 crore people in the world have lost their lives due to HIV/AIDS. Even 40 years after the disease was discovered, HIV/AIDS remains one of the biggest health challenges facing the world.

At present about 4 crore people are suffering from this disease. In 2021 alone, 15 lakh people were infected with HIV infection. Not only this, this disease took the lives of 6.5 lakh people in 2021. Since the discovery of this disease in 1981, more than 8 crore 42 lakh people have been infected with the AIDS virus. Currently two-thirds of HIV infection cases are in African countries only. These figures are enough to show the seriousness of HIV AIDS.

There is no complete cure for AIDS.

The biggest problem is that even after so many years, a complete cure for this disease has not been found. However, through antiretroviral therapy, the spread of the virus can be stopped and an HIV infected person can live for a long time. In 2021, 2 crore 87 lakh people were using antiretroviral therapy. A large number of people infected with this are still not getting antiretroviral therapy. Prevention is the only cure for this disease.

‘World AIDS Day’ is celebrated on 1 December

Considering the seriousness of AIDS, World AIDS Day is celebrated across the world on December 1 every year. Celebrating World AIDS Day started in 1988 on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO). This year about 1.5 lakh people were found HIV positive. It was first published in 1987 by James W. James, a public information officer working for the Global AIDS Program. Bunn and Thomas Netter suggested celebrating World AIDS Day to Jonathan Mann, then director of WHO’s Global Program on AIDS. Bunn and Netter were working as officials for the Global Program on AIDS at WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. Jonathan liked the idea of ​​celebrating World AIDS Day. He chose December 1, 1988 to celebrate World AIDS Day. Since then, World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on this day.

The purpose of World AIDS Day is to spread awareness

When AIDS disease was first identified in America in 1981, after that this disease started reaching every corner of the world very rapidly. Since there is no cure for AIDS and the disease is fatal, prevention was the only way by which people could avoid HIV infection. At that time, being HIV positive meant that the infected person would die within a few days. There was only one solution to prevent HIV infection. People should be aware about this disease. Awareness should increase among people about how the AIDS virus spreads and how it can be prevented. For this purpose, World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on 1st December.

People should be sensitive towards infected people

There is another purpose to celebrate this day. That objective is to stop discrimination against HIV infected people. Earlier people considered people suffering from AIDS as untouchable. Because of this attitude of the society, people were hesitant even in getting tested for HIV infection. When they tested positive, they felt ashamed even to tell their family, relatives or friends. The purpose of World AIDS Day is also to sensitize the society towards the affected people. Besides, arranging funds to deal with this global challenge is also included in the objectives of this day.

The World Health Organization believes that World AIDS Day brings people together around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and show international solidarity against the epidemic. It also provides encouragement to the progress being made in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care. World AIDS Day has become one of the most important international health days recognized worldwide.

World AIDS Day theme

Every year a theme is decided for World AIDS Day. The theme of World AIDS Day 2022 is ‘Equalize’. According to this theme, everyone should come forward enthusiastically to eradicate the AIDS disease by removing the inequalities prevalent in the society.

HIV infection is decreasing due to awareness

In 2021, 3 crore 84 lakh people were suffering from HIV. The surprising thing is that 54 percent of them are women. The spread of HIV infection is increasing among women aged 15 to 24 years. Every week about 5 thousand women aged between 15 to 24 years get infected with HIV. Still, only 85 percent of the infected people are aware of their infection. There are 59 lakh people in the world who are not aware of their infection.

Due to the awareness spread by World AIDS Day and various government efforts, success has been achieved in curbing the spread of AIDS. HIV infection was at its peak in 1996. Since that time, HIV infection has decreased by 54 percent. There has also been a decrease in the cases of deaths due to AIDS. The highest number of deaths due to AIDS was in 2004. Now it has registered a decline of 68 percent. In 2004, 20 lakh people died due to AIDS. In 2021, about 6.5 lakh people lost their lives.

What is India’s position regarding AIDS?

A large population of India is also suffering from the terrible disease of AIDS. The first case of HIV in India was reported in 1986. After this the infection spread rapidly across the country. To deal with this challenge, the Government of India started the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) in 1992. Due to this program, there was a 57% reduction in new cases of AIDS on annual basis among the youth of the country in 2012. Still around 25 lakh people aged between 15 to 49 years are suffering from AIDS in the country. It will take a long time for India to be completely free from this disease.

UNAIDS’ role in fighting AIDS disease

A United Nations program is being run to fight this disease at the global level. It is known as United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS i.e. UNAIDS. The aim of this program is to completely eradicate this disease by 2030. This program was started in 1996. UNAIDS is leading worldwide campaigns to end AIDS. Since its inception, UNAIDS has worked to coordinate global, regional, national and local leadership to completely eliminate the disease AIDS. It has offices in 70 countries and 70 percent of its employees go directly to the field to fight the fight against AIDS.

What is HIV infection?

HIV i.e. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a type of retrovirus. This directly affects the immune system of the person. After entering the body, the number of HIV increases and within a short time it weakens our immune system. Once this virus enters the body, it is impossible to eliminate it completely. This virus attacks white blood cells called CD4 in the body’s immune system.

These cells detect the disturbances occurring in our body. HIV destroys CD4 cells shortly after entering the body. Due to this our immune system becomes very weak. As soon as the immune system becomes weak, the person’s power to fight any disease reduces and he becomes unable to recover even from minor injury or illness.

How does HIV-AIDS spread?

HIV-AIDS is not caused by touching. The main reason for its spread is unsafe sex. This disease also occurs by coming in contact with infected blood. Reusing the same syringe for giving injections is also a reason for infection. The child of an HIV positive woman can also get this infection. Donating blood does not cause this disease.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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