Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeHealthIf you are also troubled by pimples and oily skin then avoid...

If you are also troubled by pimples and oily skin then avoid these things.

Skin care tips: People with oily skin have to take special care of their skin. Such skin is sensitive and the chances of reaction are quick. People who have oily skin have to use products according to their skin. Regarding which people often become careless.

People with oily skin complain a lot about pimples. Due to presence of more oil on the skin, dirt also sticks more. But we can control it by taking some precautions in our daily routine.

Let us know some easy tips for oily skin care.

1. Avoid using cleanser or toner
If there is oil on the skin, one should avoid using cleanser or toner. They contain alcohol which is harmful for oily skin.

2. Avoid coconut oil
Those who have oily skin should avoid applying coconut oil on their face. People generally use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer. But this recipe works for dry skin. This is a loss deal for oily people.

3. Stop using mineral oil
People with oily skin should stop using mineral oil immediately. Mineral oil traps the oil and dirt inside your skin. Due to which pimples also appear.

4. Lanolin Cream
Lanolin is also generally said to be beneficial for those with dry skin. Lanolin is a very thick cream. Since it is thick, applying it on the face forms a thick layer and the skin is unable to breathe. Which is dangerous for those with oily skin.

5. Petroleum Jelly
It is advisable to apply petroleum jelly to retain moisture. Which is also called slugging, but people with oily skin are advised to avoid it, because it is one of the reasons for the formation of pimples.

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