Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeHealthIf you feel tired and sad throughout the day, then understand that...

If you feel tired and sad throughout the day, then understand that your body is in pain, this could be the reason.

Sleep Routine : Today the problem of sleep is increasing very fast. Due to this, many types of problems are also arising. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), about one-third of the world’s population is suffering from sleep problems. At the same time, 10 percent people are victims of insomnia. Staying awake till late at night, waking up in the middle of the night or having frequent sleep interruptions leads to fatigue and yawning in the body the next day. This is a direct indication that the quality of your sleep is not good. In such a situation, you can improve your sleep by following some routines. Let us know how long is the right time to sleep to stay healthy and what should be the routine.

how much sleep is needed

Complete sleep means that after waking up the body feels completely refreshed and active. For most adults, sleep is of 6-8 hours but for many people it is of 9-10 hours and there are some people who complete their sleep in less than 6 hours. Many studies have shown that taking 6-8 hours of sleep regularly improves health.

What should be the bed time routine?

Every human being has a circadian rhythm, i.e. a body clock inside the body, which controls his sleep and wakefulness cycle. Therefore, the time of sleeping and waking up should always be fixed so that the internal clock gets set accordingly, because if it gets disturbed, many types of problems can arise. This is very important for good sleep.

What to do and what not to do before sleeping

1. Make a list of tasks for the next day

If you are worried about the next day before sleeping, then first of all make a list of tasks for the next day, this will help you know at the beginning of the day what to do and what not and your sleep will also not be disturbed.

2. Keep a distance between sleeping and exercise at night

If you sleep late at night, one of the reasons could be exercise in the evening. Since workout increases the body temperature and the secretion of adrenal-cortisol hormone increases. Due to this the nervous system becomes active. Therefore, try to exercise about two to three hours before sleeping.

3. There is a gap between sleep and dinner

Eating at night should be done at least 2 to 3 hours before sleeping. This gives time for food to travel from the stomach to the small intestine and digestion remains healthy. One should not drink alcohol at all before sleeping.

4. Keep yourself away from screens

Using mobile phone till late night is considered dangerous. Its light affects the melatonin hormone responsible for sleep. This also causes mental problems. Therefore, whenever you go to sleep, turn off the screen at least an hour before.

5. Don’t drink caffeine

Most people like to drink tea and coffee at night. If you are also among them, then keep in mind that consuming tea, coffee, cold drinks or things containing caffeine 3 to 6 hours before sleeping at night can affect your sleep.

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