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HomeHealthKeep these things in mind as soon as you cross 30, otherwise...

Keep these things in mind as soon as you cross 30, otherwise any major disease may develop.

Women’s Health Tips: Thirty years of age is a special age in the life of any person when he is in the middle age of life. If seen, this age has special significance in terms of health and personality because after this age, a period of physical and mental change begins in a person. Therefore, doctors also consider this age as a milestone and it is advised that after this age, people should take special care of their health.
Need to take more care of yourself 
 After this age the body demands more care and the mind matures. Therefore, if you are turning 30, then you should take care of some special things for your future health, otherwise your carelessness can harm your health in future. 
Keep these things in mind after the age of 30   
  • After 30 years, the digestive system of any person starts weakening. After this age, metabolism starts slowing down and that is why after this age you should be especially careful about eating and drinking. At the age of twenty, you could eat just about anything and it would get digested. But after the age of 30, due to slow metabolism, the process of calorie burning starts slowing down. If you do not take proper diet, you may soon become obese. Therefore, after the age of thirty, you will have to make changes in your diet so that you can keep your weight under control.
  • After the age of 30, you need to include whole grains in your diet for fiber, green vegetables for iron, and a special diet for vitamins. If seen, after the age of thirty, you should include more healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, beans etc. in your diet. Along with this you should also drink plenty of water. Water will keep your body’s metabolism fast and toxins will keep coming out of your body.
  • After the age of 30, you should do exercise and yoga regularly. This will maintain the flexibility of your body and also maintain your stamina. Make a habit of walking daily so that your weight remains under control and your hands and legs keep moving well. Meditation will also benefit you a lot because it is very beneficial for mental peace in the busy life.
  • After the age of 30, you should reduce sweets in your diet. It is often seen that people become victims of type 2 diabetes after 35 years. Therefore, control sugar so that diabetes cannot attack your body in future.
  • After the age of 30, you need to take care of your heart also. To prevent cholesterol from increasing, you have to focus on healthy eating because excess cholesterol can make you a victim of heart attack, high BP and stroke.
Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.


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