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HomeHealthPeople are becoming fat rapidly in India, WHO told what is the...

People are becoming fat rapidly in India, WHO told what is the reason

Physical Activities and Obesity: Nowadays, lifestyle is becoming so busy that people are not able to find time for physical activities. Due to which their health is suffering. Because of this obesity is increasing rapidly. Due to which many serious diseases are affecting the body. WHO has alerted about this. Obesity and overweight are becoming challenges in many ways in India. The main reason for this is lack of physical activity and lack of proper eating habits.

WHO warns about obesity

According to the World Health Organization, obesity and overweight have increased three times in the world since 1975. The population of India is expected to increase significantly by 2040. WHO has analyzed obesity and weight in women aged 15-49 years and men aged 15-49 in the last 15 years. In which it was found that this problem has increased by 12.6-24 percent in women and by 9.3-22.9 percent in men. India ranks 182nd among 197 countries in the ranking of obesity among women. Whereas our country is at 180th position among men. All these figures are as per the year 2022.

Which state has the most obese people?

According to the latest health index of NITI Aayog, the healthiest state of India is Kerala. Whereas the highest level of obesity is in Punjab. Where about 14.2 percent women and 8.3 percent men are in the grip of obesity and overweight.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Obesity and excess weight can make the body home to many dangerous diseases. Due to this, non-communicable diseases may increase, which are already a matter of concern. Obesity can bring the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes in the first place. Because of this, these diseases can be triggered. Because of this, people are falling prey to type 2 diabetes at an early age.

What is the reason for increasing obesity?

According to health experts, less physical activities and poor eating habits are the main reasons for increasing obesity. Nowadays people are consuming more processed and refined carbs instead of pulses, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, due to which their weight is increasing rapidly. These foods are based on animal products, salt, refined oil, added sugar, which give quick energy but due to these, refined carbohydrates and high fat get accumulated in the body, which increases obesity. According to experts, women do less physical activities than men and are more careless about their eating habits, due to which they become more obese.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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