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HomeIndia NewsRajat Sharma's Blog | Ayurveda and Allopathy: India needs both

Rajat Sharma’s Blog | Ayurveda and Allopathy: India needs both

Image Source : INDIA TV
Rajat Sharma, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of India TV.

Yoga guru Swami Ramdev has claimed that through Ayurveda, permanent treatment of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure and thyroid is possible, these can be eradicated from their roots, whereas in allopathy, such patients have to take medicines throughout their life. There is no permanent treatment in allopathy. Swami Ramdev said that he has prepared medicines for incurable diseases on the basis of scientific research. Swami Ramdev also has the database of crores of people who have been treated with these medicines. He has complete records. Patanjali’s research papers have been published in major journals around the world. On Wednesday, Swami Ramdev said that whenever needed, he is ready to present all this evidence along with the database before the Supreme Court. He is also ready to hold a parade of patients who have been cured of incurable diseases. Actually, all this came to light because on Tuesday the Supreme Court told Swami Ramdev that if any false claim has been made in his advertisements then he should stop them immediately otherwise a fine of Rs 1 crore will be imposed on each advertisement. Swami Ramdev said that the world’s biggest companies manufacturing allopathic medicines are after him, they are deliberately spreading false propaganda against Ayurveda because with Ayurvedic medicines and yoga, such diseases are being eradicated from their roots which cannot be treated in allopathy. Swami Ramdev said that multinational companies with a turnover of lakhs of crores of rupees are conspiring to defame Ayurveda for the sake of profiteering but he will fight for the truth till his last breath. Swami Ramdev said that whoever wants can investigate his claims, if even one person proves his claim false then he is ready for death sentence.

Swami Ramdev said a big thing. He said that allopathy can provide temporary relief from diseases but Ayurveda has the power to eradicate diseases from their roots. Swami Ramdev has completely cured the people suffering from diseases which are considered incurable by allopathy with Ayurvedic treatment. Gave. Some organizations including the Indian Medical Association had filed a petition in the Supreme Court alleging that Swami Ramdev makes false claims of curing all diseases without scientific research, without lab testing and without following protocols and other procedures. Angered by this, Swami Ramdev opened a front against the pharmaceutical companies. He said that he respects the Supreme Court but will not tolerate false allegations and will not bow before companies that forcefully feed medicines to people in the pursuit of profit. Swami Ramdev said that this is not the first time that questions have been raised on Patanjali’s products. He said that sometimes there has been a conspiracy to defame Patanjali by alleging that ash of animal bones was mixed in medicines and sometimes by raising questions on the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicines. Ramdev claimed that every product of Patanjali Ayurveda is prepared only after complete scientific research, pre- and post-clinical tests and all scientific protocols are followed. Reports have also been published in international journals but some big pharmaceutical companies and doctors associated with them are continuously working against Patanjali. Swami Ramdev was so angry because the news was spread on Tuesday that the Supreme Court found the claims made in the advertisement of Patanjali’s Ayurvedic medicines wrong and imposed a fine of Rs 1 crore on each advertisement if such advertisements were not stopped. It has been said. However, the Supreme Court has not given any such decision.

What happened was that the Indian Medical Association’s petition against Patanjali Ayurveda was heard. In the petition, IMA accused Patanjali Ayurved of propaganda against Evidence Best Medicine and Allopathic Medical Science. Along with this, ICMR i.e. Indian Council of Medical Research and organizations of pharma industry had alleged that false claims are being made about Patanjali’s products. During the hearing of this case, a bench of two judges said that this is a serious matter but it is not right to give it the color of Allopathy versus Ayurveda. The court said that if the claims in the advertisements of Patanjali Ayurveda are false then Patanjali should stop such advertisements immediately otherwise a fine of Rs 1 crore will be imposed on each advertisement. After this, the court gave the date of February 5, 2024 for the hearing of this case. The court did not pronounce any decision but the court’s comments were projected as a decision. This thing made Swami Ramdev angry. Swami Ramdev appeared in the press conference with research papers, lab testing reports, and also put people who were cured of incurable diseases with his medicines, in front of the cameras. Swami Ramdev said that with the help of Ayurveda and Yoga, he also cured diabetes of those people who were on insulin. At present every fifteenth person in India is a victim of diabetes. The number of diabetes patients is around eight crore. Every year diabetes medicines worth twenty thousand crore rupees are sold in the country. Once diabetes medication is started, in most cases it does not stop for the rest of the life because there is no permanent treatment for it in allopathy. But Swami Ramdev claims that diabetes can be cured by Ayurveda and insulin can be produced again in the body. He has cured many patients. Apart from diabetes, problems like blood pressure and thyroid are also common in every house these days. These are also diseases for which there is no permanent treatment in allopathy. At present, there are 128 crore BP patients across the world and the maximum of about 19 crore patients are in India. Swami Ramdev said that Ayurveda has treatment for BP and also thyroid. He has cured patients of these diseases. At present, the biggest disease in the world is obesity. This is a disease which gives rise to many other diseases. America has the highest number of people suffering from obesity. India is at second place where 13.5 crore people are victims of obesity. Most of the money is spent around the world to get rid of obesity. But the reality is that there is no cure for obesity in allopathy. Swami Ramdev said that Yoga and Ayurveda also provide relief from obesity. After presenting all the evidence, Swami Ramdev said that he himself will go to the Supreme Court, will show all the evidence and he has full hope that truth will win, Ayurveda will win.

I have known Swami Ramdev for many years. Crores of people benefited from the show he started on India TV during the Corona period. Even today, big people watch this yoga show every day. I have met many patients whose incurable diseases were cured by Swami Ramdev’s yoga and medicines. Many times, when people feel disappointed from everywhere, they remember Swami Ramdev, go to him, get treatment at Patanjali’s Yoga Gram. I do not say that all the patients get completely cured, but the number of such people is in lakhs, whose diabetes and thyroid medicines were cured by Swami Ramdev’s treatment. Many allopathic doctors also believe that incurable diseases can be treated with Yoga and Ayurveda. On the other hand, Swami Ramdev also believes that in any emergency or for any operation, Allopathy is more effective than Ayurveda. I also believe that allopathy has made a huge contribution in saving lives of people all over the world. That is why there should not be any conflict between Ayurveda and Allopathy, they complement each other. Our concern should be with the treatment of the patient, not with whether the treatment was through Ayurveda or Allopathy. Swami Ramdev is right that his cheap treatment affects the business of pharmaceutical companies. Today the business of allopathic medicines in our country is worth about Rs 1.5 lakh crore. This is just drug business. Expenses for medical equipment, hospital, doctor and operation are separate. That is why their concern is also justified. But in our country people need both Ayurveda and Allopathy. In many places homeopathy also proves to be very effective. Defaming Ayurveda and Swami Ramdev just for the sake of earning money and running a business will not benefit anyone. The work that Swami Ramdev has done for propagating Yoga and Ayurveda, for scientific research and for providing affordable treatment to people should be appreciated. Mafia is active everywhere, even in allopathy and Ayurveda. Everyone should fight together against them. (Rajat Sharma)

Watch: ‘Aaj Ki Baat, Rajat Sharma Sath’ full episode of November 22, 2023

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