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HomeLifestyle NewsAre you embarrassed by the ugly black warts hanging on your skin?...

Are you embarrassed by the ugly black warts hanging on your skin? Try these remedies and it will disappear overnight

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skin tag remedy

Warts on the skin look like an eclipse on the moon. Warts can appear anywhere on your body. But often they target our neck and face. Warts not only look dirty and unsightly but they also make us feel embarrassed in many ways. These spoil the beauty of the face, sometimes some warts are very painful. If these warts are bothering you continuously, then you can get rid of these unwanted warts by adopting some home remedies. Know which home remedies are effective to get rid of warts.

potato slice

Potato is not only used as a vegetable but it is also effective in removing many of your skin related problems. Even potato juice is very effective in the problem of warts. For this, just take a piece of potato and rub it lightly on the wart. By doing this the warts will dry up and start falling off in 3-4 days.

onion juice

Onion juice is also effective in getting rid of warts. You simply grate the onion with a grater or cut the onion and grind it in a mixer. After filtering it, extract its juice. By applying this juice on the wart daily, the wart will dry up and fall off on its own within a few days.


Flax seeds are not only beneficial for health but it is also effective in removing the problem of warts. Just grind the flax seeds. After this add linseed oil and a little honey to it. After applying this mixture on warts for about 4 to 5 days, you will start seeing its effect.

coconut oil

Coconut oil is very beneficial in removing moles and warts. After applying coconut oil for 10 to 15 minutes, apply garlic paste on it. Keep this paste for some time. Now wash your face with cold water. After applying for a few weeks, they will dry up and fall off on their own.

garlic is lifesaver

Garlic clove works like a lifesaver to get rid of warts. Peel the garlic clove. After this, gently rub the garlic clove on the wart area. Do this daily. In a few days you will see that the wart will dry up and fall off on its own.

Disclaimer: This information has been written on the basis of Ayurvedic remedies. India TV does not confirm their success or authenticity. Be sure to consult a doctor before using them.

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