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HomeLifestyle NewsDue to this also, women's hair starts falling…

Due to this also, women’s hair starts falling…

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These days, there has been a lot of change in the lifestyle of people. Due to which people also suffer from many diseases. In which there are problems like obesity, diabetes and hair fall. Hair fall has become very common these days. Due to hair loss, people’s confidence becomes weak. There are many reasons behind hair fall in women, but do you know that if you are suffering from PCOD or PCOS then your hair will start falling from the middle. The condition becomes so bad that many people even become bald.

In fact, in today’s time, everyone from young girls to older women are increasingly becoming victims of PCOS. Due to PCOS, women’s periods become irregular. In this problem, women get their periods after two or three months. Women suffering from PCOS have to face not one, not two but many problems. These include weight gain, pimples on the skin, excessive growth of hair on the entire body including the face, but there is rapid hair fall from the head and they have to face pregnancy related problems.

Hair loss is normal in PCOS

Hair fall is a common symptom in PCOS, in fact hormonal imbalance increases a lot in the body of women in PCOS. Which has a direct impact on their period cycle. Hormones become so unbalanced that the hair does not get adequate nutrition. For this reason, first of all, women’s hair starts becoming thin and their volume reduces so much that it reaches the point of baldness.

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This hormone increases

The amount of androgen hormones increases significantly in women suffering from PCOS, these hormones are more in men and less in women. But when women suffer from this problem, these hormones increase in them. When these hormones increase in the body, women start growing more hair all over their body and hair starts disappearing from the head.

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take care of yourself like this

  • First of all, reduce your increased weight. When your excess weight is reduced, it changes your unbalanced hormones and has the best effect on your skin and hair.
  • Include foods rich in vitamins and proteins in your diet. Eat outside food as little as possible.
  • Don’t forget to do yoga and exercise. Take out at least 30 minutes for yourself every day and maintain your fitness.
  • If your hair has fallen a lot then you can consult your doctor and get PRP done.
  • You can control PCOD by making these minor changes in your lifestyle. After this, you will see excellent effects on your skin and hair also.

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