Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeLifestyle NewsHave you reached the verge of going bald? Try this onion...

Have you reached the verge of going bald? Try this onion recipe, new hair will grow on your head.

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Onion hair mask for hair

Onion is not only effective in eating but by using it you can take best care of your hair. Onion juice is very effective in keeping hair healthy. Onion juice contains vitamins, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. By using this you can prevent hair fall. Let us tell you how to use onion juice to prevent hair fall.

Onion is a mine of qualities

Onion, rich in anti-bacterial properties, will relieve you from all types of scalp infections. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties reduce dandruff. By massaging the scalp with onion juice, hair grows faster and hair fall also reduces. The sulfur present in onion juice helps a lot in preventing hair thinning and fall. It also helps in rejuvenating the hair follicles.

Apply onion juice to a cotton ball and apply it on the hair scalp. After this massage gently. After leaving it for 15 minutes, wash hair with shampoo. Apply onion juice three times a week. By doing this your hair will stop breaking and falling.

Onion hair mask

Image Source : FREEPIK

Onion hair mask

Make onion juice like this

Onion juice can be extracted very easily. Take an onion, clean the peel and grind the onion in a blender to make a paste. Then put the paste in a clean cloth and squeeze it well. Apart from this, if you want, you can extract onion juice by grating it.

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Onion Juice and Coconut

Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties are found in coconut oil which helps in protecting from dandruff, infection and keeping them healthy. In a bowl, add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil along with 2 teaspoons of onion juice and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and mix well. Apply it thoroughly on the hair scalp. Wash hair after about half an hour.

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