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HomeLifestyle NewsIf your lips crack again and again then use this vitamin, know...

If your lips crack again and again then use this vitamin, know the method and benefits – India TV Hindi

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vitamin e for lips

Vitamin e for chapped lips: Be it due to lack of water or dryness, cracked lips trouble everyone. Many times it happens that even after we apply a lot on our lips, our lips remain cracked. In such a situation, you can use Vitamin E for chapped lips which can work very effectively in this problem. Now you might be wondering whether you have to apply it directly on your skin, then no. You can apply it on your skin by following some tips. So, let us know how to use Vitamin E for chapped lips.

How to use Vitamin E for chapped lips

For chapped lips, you have to apply Vitamin E mixed with Shea butter. For this, all you have to do is take out shea butter in a small container and add 1 or 2 capsules of Vitamin E in it. Mix both well and then apply it on your lips. Massage with light hands and leave it like that. You must apply it thrice a day. If nothing else, apply this on your lips before sleeping at night. Doing this is beneficial for the lips.

vitamin e chia butter for lips

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vitamin e chia butter for lips

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Benefits of Vitamin E for chapped lips

Vitamin E works very effectively for chapped lips. It hydrates the skin of the lips and increases blood circulation. Apart from this, it repairs the damaged skin of the lips and then improves their texture. In this way it is good for the lips. Besides, it improves the texture of the skin of the lips in the long run and is helpful in toning them.

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So, just to keep chapped lips healthy, you can use Vitamin E. It improves the texture of the skin and then prevents the lips from cracking. Apart from this, drink water and apply coconut oil on your cracked lips which is helpful in keeping the skin healthy.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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