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HomeLifestyle NewsKeep these 2 leaves in the fridge, the smell and bacteria coming...

Keep these 2 leaves in the fridge, the smell and bacteria coming from food will always stay away – India TV Hindi

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Fridge Smell

Often the refrigerator starts smelling. Many times people do not clean the fridge for months. Keeping more than necessary things in the fridge starts smelling. Therefore, it is prohibited to keep food items open in the refrigerator. If there is a lot of stuff kept in your fridge or you have not cleaned the fridge for a long time, then it would be good to keep some bay leaves in the fridge. In the times of grandmothers, people used bay leaves to provide fragrance and remove bacteria in homes. Bay leaf not only enhances the taste of food but its aroma also kills the bacteria growing in the refrigerator.

How to remove fridge smell?

The laurel plant or bay leaf is a treasure of our culinary and herbal tradition, which is used not only in cooking but also in many herbal medicines. Drinking bay leaf extract or tea provides relief from stomach problems. The aroma of bay leaves keeps the atmosphere of your home fragrant and fresh. If you keep these leaves inside the refrigerator, it provides many benefits.

Keep 2 bay leaves in the fridge

Many household problems, odors and germs can be removed by keeping bay leaves in the refrigerator. The smell of food items, especially paneer, cheese or any strong smelling food item can be reduced with this. Many times, things kept in the fridge for a long time start smelling and bacteria grow in them. For this, bay leaf works effectively. The smell can be reduced by keeping bay leaves in the refrigerator.

How to remove odor coming from refrigerator?

Bay leaves fill the fridge with its natural fragrance and remove the strong smell. If the smell of the fridge is not reducing even by keeping bay leaves, then you can also add one or two pinches of baking soda. Apart from this, cut the lemon into two pieces and add 2-3 spoons of baking soda and salt on it. Now keep the lemon in an open vessel inside the refrigerator. Leave it like this for 5-6 days. The smell of food coming from the refrigerator will go away.

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