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HomeWorld NewsAfter failing to intrude into India, China captured these areas of Bhutan,...

After failing to intrude into India, China captured these areas of Bhutan, built many buildings and roads

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Satellite photos of China’s alleged occupation of Bhutan.

China has captured large areas of Bhutan after failing to intrude into the Indian border. A satellite photo has exposed the Chinese occupation of Bhutan’s royal land. Satellite images taken by Makzar clearly show that China has built many buildings on Bhutan’s land and has also constructed roads. There has been an earthquake in Bhutan after these pictures surfaced. Along with this, these pictures have also exposed China’s intentions of occupying neighboring countries.

China has accelerated settlement-building along its disputed border with Bhutan, with more than 200 structures, including two-storey buildings, under construction at six locations, according to an image analysis by Reuters. The investigation has been conducted by Hawkeye 360, an American data analytics firm that uses satellites to gather intelligence on ground-level activities, and two other experts. According to this, construction-related activity has been going on at some places along the western border of Bhutan since the beginning of 2020. China initially constructed the tracks and cleared areas based on material provided by satellite imagery firms Capella Space and Planet Labs.

Chris Biggers, mission applications director at Hawkeye 360, said the images show that work accelerated in 2021. Smaller structures were probably erected first to house equipment and supplies. After this the foundation was laid and then the buildings were constructed.

Bhutan’s Foreign Ministry issued statement after China’s occupation

Following the Chinese occupation of Bhutan’s royal land, Bhutan’s Foreign Ministry said in response to Reuters questions, “It is Bhutan’s policy not to talk about border issues in public. However,” the ministry declined to comment further. Refused. Experts and an Indian defense source said the construction shows China is intent on resolving its border claims by giving concrete shape to its ambitions. China’s Foreign Ministry said the construction was “solely to improve the working and living conditions of local people.” “It is within China’s sovereignty to carry out normal construction activities within its territory,” the ministry said.

China’s construction becomes a concern for India

This construction done by China in the area of ​​Bhutan has also become a matter of concern for India. Let us tell you that this new construction is just 9 to 27 km away from the Doklam area at the junction of the borders of India, Bhutan and China, where there was a standoff between Indian and Chinese troops for more than two months in 2017. According to the Indian defense source, these illegal settlements will allow China to better control and monitor remote areas and potentially use them to establish security-focused installations. India’s Ministry of External Affairs did not respond to a request for comment. Bhutan shares its 477-km border with China, the resolution of which has been in talks with Beijing for nearly four decades. An issue for Bhutan is not just territorial integrity, but also concerns over potential security implications for India, the Himalayan kingdom’s main ally and economic partner.

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