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HomeWorld NewsFormer Defense Minister of Maldives angry at her own government for commenting...

Former Defense Minister of Maldives angry at her own government for commenting on PM Modi

Image Source : ANI
PM Modi, Maria Ahmed Didi

Male: On the controversy over the post of Maldivian MP on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Defense Minister of Maldives Maria Ahmed Didi says that this is the shortsightedness of the current administration. We are a small country. We cannot deny that our borders are with India. Our security concerns are the same. India has always helped us. They are also helping us in the defense sector in building capacity, providing us equipment and trying to make us more capable. We are like-minded in our pursuit of democracy and respect for human rights. It is very shortsighted on the part of the present government to think that we can actually try not to maintain a centuries-old tradition. We have always had a relationship with India.

India is like 911 call for us

On the controversy over Maldives MP’s post on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Defense Minister Maria Ahmed Didi said that India has been like 911 (Maldives’ emergency number) for us. Whenever we call, the people of India immediately come to our rescue in need. India is that kind of friend of ours who comes to help us when we are in trouble.

Indian soldiers are there to protect us

Former Defense Minister of Maldives Maria Ahmed Didi says that we never had (Indian) troops in the traditional sense in Maldives. As part of defense cooperation, India has offered us technical assistance on a purely humanitarian basis to bring our people from the islands to Male. The equipment that was given to Maldives has always been there to help us, to assist in the humanitarian evacuation of our people. The helicopters that were there are completely under the command and control of MNDF (Maldives National Defense Force).

India always helped us

The MNDF tells them when to fly, how to fly and what to do about it. Therefore the question of Indian soldiers being here does not arise. They have come here to help us at the request of our government. Many successive governments have requested to come and help us. We have been able to bust many drugs with the help of Indian donors.

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