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Human courage outweighed the machine, what did the foreign media say about the successful rescue of workers?

Image Source : PTI
What did the foreign media say about the successful rescue of workers?

Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue: Successful rescue of laborers was done in Uttarkashi on Tuesday. The machines failed many times. But the human effort outweighed the machines. The courage of humans came in handy when mechanical power was exhausted. 41 laborers trapped in Silkyara Tunnel of Uttarkashi were rescued safely on Tuesday evening. The whole world had an eye on this. After the auger machine that came from America broke down, the rat miners dug out the remaining debris and late on Tuesday evening all the workers were taken out safely through pipes. The foreign media said many things in praise of this success.

“Outside the tunnel, celebrations are taking place at the news of the first person coming out of the tunnel,” the BBC said in an update on the operation. BBC also uploaded a photo on its website, in which Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami and Union Minister VK Singh are seen meeting the first laborer rescued from the tunnel.

‘A route made of welded pipes for safe evacuation’

On the other hand, CNN reported, “In the video footage of the incident site, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami can be seen meeting the workers. After the machine broke down, the workers were taken out safely by digging with hands.” Similarly, Qatar’s news channel Al-Jazeera reported, “Rescuers rescued the workers safely, ending the ordeal that began with the tunnel collapse on November 12. Several ambulances were standing at the mouth of the tunnel to transport the workers to a hospital about 30 km away. The workers are being taken out through a passage made of welded pipes.”

British newspaper wrote ‘Man’s victory over machine’

The dramatic scene of the first people emerging on stretchers from the entrance of the Silkyara-Barcot tunnel came after more than 400 hours, during which the major rescue operation was hit by numerous obstacles, delays and false reports of an imminent rescue, British daily ‘The Guardian’ reported. Promises were involved. “Human labor triumphed over machinery as the rescue team managed to manually drill through the last 12 meters of debris to reach the workers,” the newspaper said in its detailed report.

An ‘escape passage’ pipe was inserted, enabling rescuers to transport wheeled stretchers and oxygen cylinders. London-based daily The Telegraph said in its lead story that military engineers and miners drilled a ‘rat hole’ through the debris to complete a tricky operation.

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