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HomeWorld NewsMuslim countries are angry over the insult of Quran, now Denmark has...

Muslim countries are angry over the insult of Quran, now Denmark has taken such a step

Image Source: AP
Anger of Muslim countries on insult of Quran

Danish Quran News: There have been cases of insult to the holy book of Islam, Quran, in many European countries. Some time ago a case of insult to the Quran came to light in Sweden. A plan to outlaw the burning of the Quran was discussed in Denmark on Tuesday following rising incidents of desecration of the holy book and anger from Muslim countries. The Danish government has said that such tensions threaten national security. Therefore, a proposal has been made to make the act of burning or insulting any religious scripture in public a crime.

According to the parliament’s website, the measure aims to make it illegal to “inappropriately disseminate with intent publicly or to a wide circle any text that has strong religious significance for a religious community”. The maximum punishment for such criminals is two years in jail. According to national police records, 483 incidents of religious book burning or flag burning were recorded in Denmark between July 21 and October 24 this year.

Muslim countries had expressed their displeasure

In fact, a Danish far-right leader had torn a copy of the Quran and set it on fire in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. After this, almost all Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan and Egypt strongly condemned it. Muslim countries had asked Sweden and Denmark to take strict steps to stop such incidents.

An attempt was made to bring a bill in August also

Earlier, efforts were also made to introduce such a bill in Denmark in the month of August. However, it has been amended after strong criticism. In August it was said that this bill limits freedom of expression and hence it would be difficult to implement it. Regarding the bill brought in August, Danish politicians, artists and activists said that this bill is a return to the same blasphemy law, which was abolished in 2017. After this, in October, Justice Minister Hammelgaard had said that we are making changes in this bill which will make it easier for the police and courts to implement it.

Danish government had said this before presenting the bill

Before presenting the bill in Parliament, the Danish government had said on Sunday that the government would try to find legal methods. This would give the authorities the right to intervene in such protests. Danish Foreign Minister Loke Rasmussen said on Monday that we are signaling to the people of Denmark and other countries that we are working on this.

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