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HomeWorld NewsSituation is worsening again in Myanmar, why is internal conflict a matter...

Situation is worsening again in Myanmar, why is internal conflict a matter of concern for India?

Image Source: AP
Situation is worsening again in Myanmar

Myanmar News: The situation in India’s neighboring country Myanmar is continuously worsening. In the last three weeks, there has been a fierce conflict between the army and the junta. Junta rule is the current government of Myanmar. There was a coup there in 2021. The army had arrested the popular leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi and put her in jail. Now again a war has broken out between the Democracy Support Force and the Army. Pro-democracy forces have named it ‘Operation 1027’. Operation 1027 is the date on which it was launched. The forces launched the operation against the army on October 27.

What is Operation 1027?

On October 27 this year, three rebel groups of Myanmar came together. These were Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Defense Alliance Army (MNDAA) and Taung National Liberation Army (TNLA). Since these three groups had launched a rebellion on October 27 against the military rule there, it has been named ‘Operation 1027’. Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army is considered the most powerful among these three. She is leading Operation 1027. It was formed in 1989. There are about 6 thousand fighters in it.

Arakan Army was formed in 2009

The Arakan Army was formed in 2009. It is active in Rakhine state and is the military wing of the United League of Arakan (ULA). Its leader is Twan Mrat Naing. It is believed to have more than 35 thousand fighters, who are active in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states.

What is the rebellion about?

The purpose of this entire operation is to counter the military rule there. This rebel alliance, formed in the name of ‘Brotherhood Alliance’, aims to drive out the army and its allied military organizations in Northern Shan Province. This province falls near the Myanmar-China border. On October 27, the Alliance issued a statement saying that the purpose of their operation is to protect civilians, self-defense, regain control of their areas and respond to attacks and airstrikes by the Myanmar military.

Why is it a matter of concern for India?

This ongoing conflict in Myanmar has increased the concern. China has also talked about ceasefire. At the same time, this is a matter of great concern for India. In fact, due to the conflict, thousands of refugees from Myanmar have already settled in Mizoram. Since the military coup in February 2021, 31 thousand refugees have arrived so far. There is a possibility of tension spreading in Northeast India due to the arrival of refugees. The Chin ethnic group of Myanmar has good relations with the Kukis of Manipur. At the same time, Meitei militant organizations of Manipur also have presence in Myanmar.

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