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HomeWorld NewsThere is a sudden increase in the number of rats in Britain,...

There is a sudden increase in the number of rats in Britain, 25 crore rats are creating havoc, know why?

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Rat population suddenly increased in Britain

Rats in Britain: The countries of Europe are considered to be the cleanest countries. Britain is also one of them. But the number of rats has increased so much that even the cleanliness here is being questioned. Britain is troubled by the filth in its country. Due to this, the number of rats has increased in large numbers here. These rats are also not like normal rats, but their size is also bigger. The British are also worried due to the sudden increase in the number of rats. The number of rats has reached 25 crores, which is much more than the number of people here. The sudden arrival of a new wave of rats has created concern among the people.

Know what is the reason for the increase of rats?

There are around 25 crore rats in Britain. Due to this there is concern among the people. Delay in collection of dustbins is being considered as the reason for this sudden increase in the number of rats. Lack of cleanliness is increasing the number of rats. These rats are now attacking homes in Britain. The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) says that in the last 90 days the number of people seeking help to deal with these problems has increased by 115 percent.

Rats grow in cold weather

It is believed that about 25 crore rats live in Britain, which is more than the UK population of 6.75 crore. The most worrying thing is that now rats have started entering inside the houses due to cold.

According to the Mirror report, BPCA’s technical manager Natalie Bungay said, ‘Their visibility increases during winter. But people may have to face further infection due to this long-standing issue. He said, ‘It is common to see an increase in rat infestation during the winter period, as rats seek shelter in warm and dry places along with access to food items. Not collecting dustbins during the festive season can also be the reason.

How bad has the rat problem become?

He said that when the dustbins are completely filled, people keep their garbage on its side. It’s like a feast for insects and rats. Paul Bates, pest controller at Clinical Pest Control in London, said, ‘Calls regarding rats are up by 6 per cent in 2022 compared to 2021, up from three per cent last year. But since December itself 235 phone calls have been received. This is much higher than normal.

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