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HomeWorld NewsIsrael-Hamas war ceasefire comes into effect from today, so many hostages will...

Israel-Hamas war ceasefire comes into effect from today, so many hostages will be released on the first day

Image Source: AP
Israel-Hamas war.

A short ceasefire in Gaza brokered by America and Qatar has come into effect from today. From today, Israel and Hamas will not attack each other for the next 4 days. According to the agreement, Hamas will release 13 Israeli hostages on the first day on Friday. Thus, 50 Israeli hostages will be released in 4 days. In return, Israel will free 150 Palestinians. These will also be released in the same proportion.

At present, under the agreement between Israel and Hamas, a four-day ceasefire has become effective from today and with this, the stage has been set for the exchange of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel and dozens of people held hostage by militants in Gaza. The war has been stopped for at least four days and this ceasefire came into effect from 7 am. The Hamas group ruling Gaza launched an unexpected attack on Israel on October 7 and during this time about 240 people were taken hostage.

IDF destroyed tunnels in Shifa Hospital

The IDF has completed its operational preparations in accordance with the defensive situation amid the ceasefire. This morning Israeli troops destroyed a passage of underground terrorist tunnels and tunnel shafts in the area of ​​Shifa Hospital. Troops in Gaza recently attacked various terrorist targets from land, air and sea. During this period many Hamas terrorists were killed. Now the Israeli army is following the ceasefire.

America, Qatar and Egypt prepared the stage

America, Qatar and Egypt have jointly prepared this platform for ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, under which Hamas has promised to release at least 50 hostages during this ceasefire. Israel will release three Palestinian prisoners in exchange for each hostage freed. This work will be done in several phases in the next four days. The agreement followed several weeks of intense indirect negotiations brokered by Qatar, the US and Egypt. If this agreement is successfully implemented, it will be a significant break in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. About 1,200 people were killed in the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. In response, Israel launched massive air and ground attacks on Gaza, killing at least 13,300 Palestinians. (AP)

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