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HomeLifestyle NewsChhathi Maiya likes these 5 fruits, don't forget to put them in...

Chhathi Maiya likes these 5 fruits, don’t forget to put them in soup.

Image Source : INDIAN TV
fruits in chhath puja

The great festival Chhath Puja of Bihar is starting from tomorrow. Chhath Puja, starting from Nahay Khay, is completed in 4 days. Saffron Sun and Chhathi Maiyya are worshiped in Chhath Puja. Lakhs of people in the country and abroad celebrate the festival of faith with great pomp and show. Chhath is celebrated not only in Bihar but also in Delhi, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. Pooja material has special importance in Chhath Puja. Special thekua and special fruits are included in the daura or dagar and soup prepared for the puja. The fruits which Chhathi Maiyya likes are included as Prasad. Puja is considered incomplete without these fruits, definitely include them in your soup.

Must include these fruits in Chhath Puja

dabh- Daabh is definitely included in the Daala of Chhath Puja. It is bigger than a lemon. It is also called dab lemon. Animals do not eat it and Chhathi Maiya loves this fruit very much. Be sure to include it in the material of Chhath Puja.

banana- Banana, the favorite fruit of Lord Vishnu, is also offered in Chhath Puja. Chhathi Maiya also likes banana very much. Therefore it is kept in the worship material. Banana is considered very auspicious.
coconut- Coconut is also called Sri Phal. Coconut also has special significance in Chhath Puja. If you want, you can put raw or dry coconut in the dala. Coconut pleases Goddess Lakshmi and keeps her blessings intact.
water chestnut- Seasonal fruits are included in the Prasad of Chhath. Raw water chestnuts are available in abundance at this time. Water chestnut is dear to Goddess Lakshmi and it is also included in the offering of Chhathi Maiyya. It is believed that this helps in maintaining wealth and property in the house.
Suthni- Suthni is a fruit that looks like sweet potato, which is included in Chhath Puja. Suthani is considered a sacred fruit. It is born underground. Suthni is rich in nutrients.
Sugarcane- Chhath Puja is considered incomplete without sugarcane. People tie sugarcane and worship the Sun in a ghat or river. Sugarcane is also used in stews and soups. This maintains sweetness in family and relationships.

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