Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeLifestyle NewsIn winter, bleeding starts coming out from the heels, walking becomes heavy,...

In winter, bleeding starts coming out from the heels, walking becomes heavy, with these remedies they will become soft like cream.

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Home remedies for cracked heels

People eagerly wait for the rosy weather of winter. But this season also brings with it many problems and diseases. These include dry skin, hair fall, dandruff and seasonal diseases. In this season, many people are troubled by cracked heels. Some people’s heels crack so much that they start bleeding. In such a situation, if you are also troubled by this problem, then by trying some of these home remedies, you can make your heels as soft as cream.

cracked heels Try these home remedies to get rid of

Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is found in everyone’s home. If your heels have started cracking in this season then apply petroleum jelly. Applying this jelly provides some relief to cracked heels. To get rid of it completely, you can use petroleum jelly for a week to get rid of it.

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coconut oil

Coconut oil is a mine of qualities. Coconut oil, rich in anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial properties, not only softens your skin but also takes excellent care of your heels. If your heels have started bleeding, then apply coconut oil on them three times a day. By doing this for a few days, you will see effective results.

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Applying cream will also provide relief

You can also use cream to make the heels of your feet soft like cream. Apply cream on the area of ​​the heels where there are deep wounds. By doing this for a week you will see positive results.

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