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HomeLifestyle NewsWhy do we light lamps in the name of Yama on Dhanteras,...

Why do we light lamps in the name of Yama on Dhanteras, know its correct method, mantra and benefits.

Dhanteras 2023: Dhanteras is on 10 November 2023. Lord Kuber and Dhanvantari are worshiped on the day of Dhanteras. Along with this, lamps are lit in the name of Yamraj in the evening, it is also called Yama Deepam, but do you know what is the reason for lighting the lamp of Yama.

Let us know why lamps are lit in the name of Yama on Dhanteras and what is its correct method and direction.

Dhanteras 2023 Yam Deepam Muhurat (Dhanteras 2023 Yam Deepam Muhurat)

On the day of Dhanteras, a lamp is lit for Lord Yamraj in the evening after sunset. It is believed that by donating lamps, Lord Yamdev is pleased and protects the family members from untimely death.

Kartik Krishna Trayodashi date starts – 10 November 2023, 12.35 pm Kartik Krishna Trayodashi date ends – 11 November 2023, 01.57 pm

  • Yam Deepam Timings – 05.30 PM – 06.49 PM
  • Duration – 1 hour 19 minutes

Method of Yam Deepak on Dhanteras (Dhanteras Yam Deepak Vidhi)

On the evening of Dhanteras, light 13 lamps outside the house and keep them at the main entrance. Put four wicks in an old earthen lamp and light it with mustard oil. , Now light this lamp outside the house facing south and keep it while chanting the mantra.

Yam Deepam Mantra

While lighting the lamp of Yamraj, chant this mantra – Mrituna Pashahasten Kalen Bharyaya Saha. Trayodashyan Deepdanatsuryaj: Preetayamithi. It is said that this eliminates the fear of untimely death and one does not have to endure the tortures of hell.

Why do we light lamps in the name of Yamraj on Dhanteras (Yam Deepam Katha)

According to the legend, there was a king named Hem in a kingdom, by the grace of God he was blessed with a son. It was written in the son’s horoscope that the prince would die four days after the marriage. In such a situation, the king sent him to a place where no girl’s shadow could fall on him, but there he married a princess. According to the custom, on the fourth day of the marriage, Yamraj’s messengers came to the prince.

The prince’s wife started mourning and asked the messengers for a solution to avoid untimely death. The messengers told all these things to Yamraj. Yamraj told that death is inevitable but the person who lights the lamp on the day of Dhanteras i.e. Trayodashi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month can be saved from untimely death. For this reason, there is a tradition of lighting the lamp of Yama every year on Dhanteras.

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