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HomeLifestyle NewsWhy does fungal infection occur in scalp? These measures will remove...

Why does fungal infection occur in scalp? These measures will remove the infection within minutes

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Scalp Infection Treatment At Home

The winter season also brings with it many diseases. In this season, apart from cold and cough, people are also troubled by dry skin. If you are even a little careless about your skin care, then a small problem turns into a big problem. Dry skin also affects your scalp very quickly. In winter, due to increase in the problem of fungal infection in the scalp of people, crusts start forming on the head due to which pimples and red rashes start appearing and due to constant itching, burning sensation also starts there. Due to which gradually your hair also starts falling. If you are also troubled by this problem, then you must try these home remedies to get rid of it.

Why does fungal infection occur on the scalp in winter?

Your skin becomes dry during winter season. Due to lack of moisture, the skin becomes dry and a layer of flaking develops there. Gradually this layer turns into scaly skin. This is where fungal infection starts. Sometimes fungal infection also occurs due to sweating.

Remove fungal infection of scalp like this

  1. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a mine of qualities. Along with skin, it also takes excellent care of hair. It provides coolness to your itchy scalp and provides relief from fungal infections. Apply fresh aloe vera on your scalp twice a day.
  2. Neem Leaves: Neem leaves are rich in anti-oxidant properties. If you have fungal infection on your scalp, then Neem leaves are very effective in treating it. Boil neem leaves thoroughly in water. Now wash your head with this water. By doing this you will get relief from itching and gradually your fungal infection will go away.
  3. Curd: The acid present in curd kills the harmful bacteria of the scalp. It is very beneficial in providing relief from burning sensation, itching and rashes in the scalp. With the help of cotton, apply curd on the infected area and wash it after some time. Remember, never touch the infected area with your hands because this infection is contagious.
  4. Tea Tree Oil: Due to its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil removes the problem of infection in a short time. Mix equal amounts of tree tea oil, olive oil and almond oil and apply it on the infected area. Use it daily until the infection goes away.

This magical oil is the enemy of white hair, as soon as you apply it your hair will turn black from the roots, just use it like this

Keep these things in mind also

  1. Keep your head clean to avoid fungal scalp infections.
  2. Use mild shampoo to wash your head.
  3. Do not wash your head with hot water even by mistake.
  4. Apart from this, you should also maintain the hygiene of your hair.
  5. Do not share your comb with anyone.
  6. Wash hair 3 times a week.
  7. Do not use someone else’s towel.

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