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HomeWorld NewsHeavy avalanche on Sun Boran peaks in western Iran, 5 climbers killed

Heavy avalanche on Sun Boran peaks in western Iran, 5 climbers killed

Image Source: AP
A severe snow storm hit Sun Boran Peak in Iran. (symbolic)

Five climbers reached the summit of Sun Boran in western Iran. But little did he know that this would be his last journey. A sudden snow storm caused havoc on the inaccessible peaks of Sun Boran. All five climbers died and four others were injured after being hit by an avalanche. Government media gave this information on Saturday.

According to the news of government news agency ‘IRNA’, rescue workers have recovered the bodies of five climbers from Sun Boran peak, about 300 kilometers from the capital Tehran. Meanwhile, four injured have been taken to the hospital. The nine-member group of climbers started their journey on Thursday despite warnings from local authorities about the danger, the report said. But before reaching the peaks of Boran, he became victim of an avalanche. He could not bear the brunt of the snow storm and avalanche and lost his life.

The climbers went after warning of bad weather

According to officials, the danger was announced before climbing the Boran hills. The mountain had received heavy rain and snowfall in recent weeks. In such a situation, there was a strong possibility of avalanche. But climbers realized that deadly avalanches rarely occur in Iran. In such a situation, ignoring all the warnings, he set out on a journey with a group of 9 people. Ultimately 5 of them lost their lives in the avalanche. In 2020, 12 people were killed in various avalanche incidents in the mountainous region of northern Tehran. (AP)

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