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HomeWorld NewsMinors and women released from Israeli prisons after years, Palestinian families celebrate

Minors and women released from Israeli prisons after years, Palestinian families celebrate

Image Source: AP
Family welcoming a Palestinian woman released from Israeli jail.

When dozens of minors and women, who were released from Israeli jails after the Israel-Hamas ceasefire agreement, reached their homes, the joy of their families knew no bounds. Palestinian families celebrated the release of their loved ones with a celebration. Those who were never expected to return to Palestine have finally been released after an Israel-Hamas agreement. There is an initial ceasefire of 4 days between Israel and Hamas. After this this agreement can go further. This has been possible with the mediation of America, Qatar and Egypt.

On Friday, more than three dozen Palestinians released from Israeli prisons under the ceasefire agreement were given a warm welcome when they reached the West Bank. Among the released prisoners, some were convicted of minor crimes and some of assaults. All these prisoners were released at a checkpoint outside Jerusalem, where a large number of Palestinians had gathered. These people raised slogans, clapped and waved hands. Among the released prisoners, fifteen youths appeared stunned. When these youths, dressed in dirty clothes and exhausted, met their fathers after being released, they were seen crying with their heads on their shoulders.

Release at night, fireworks in the sky

The time of release was at night but due to fireworks the sky appeared to be filled with different colors while the patriotic music made the atmosphere more pleasant. Some of the released prisoners were holding Palestinian flags in their hands and some were carrying green Hamas flags on their shoulders. After coming out of the checkpoint he signaled victory. Among the released prisoners was a 17-year-old boy, Jamal Bahama, who was trying to say something to the crowd of thousands of Palestinians shouting slogans and journalists.

Jamal said, “I have no words, I have no words.” He said, “Thank God.” Tears started falling from Jamal’s father’s eyes as he hugged his son. , because he was seeing his son for the first time in seven months. Israeli forces arrested Jamal from his home in the Palestinian city of Jericho last spring and are detaining him without trial or charge. “I want to give him a fatherly upbringing again,” Jamal’s father said.

Hamas released 13 Israelis

A four-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas began on Friday, in which two dozen hostages, including 13 Israelis, were released from captivity in Gaza in an exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners. Hours after the release of Israeli hostages, Palestinian prisoners were released from Israeli jails. The Palestinian prisoners released included 24 women, some of whom had been sentenced to several years in prison for attempting to stab Israeli guards and carrying out other types of attacks. Other prisoners were imprisoned on charges of incitement on social media. The released prisoners included 15 minors, most of whom were accused of stone pelting and ‘supporting terrorism’. I

Israel has long been taking action against Palestinian youth by accusing them of supporting terrorism, which has been the main reason for the increase in violence in the occupied territory. One of the prisoners released is Iyas, the 17-year-old son of UN worker Abdulkader Khatib, who was taken into ‘administrative detention’ without charge or trial on secret evidence last year. “As a Palestinian, my heart breaks for my brothers in Gaza, so I can’t celebrate,” Khatib said. But I am a father and I am very happy inside. (AP)

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